
Digital business and e‑commerce

 Digital business transformation

Significant changes to organizational processes, structures, and systems implemented to improve organizational performance through increasing the use of digital media and technology platforms

Inbound Marketing

On the Internet, it is often the customer who initiates contact and is seeking information Through researching information on a website. In other words, it is a ‘pull’ mechanism where it Is particularly important to have good visibility in search engines when customers are entering Search terms relevant to a company’s products or services. Amongst marketing professionals, This powerful new approach to marketing is now commonly known as inbound marketing (Shah and Halligan, 2009). Google has referred to this consumer decision-making before the Visit to a retailer as the Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT) in a handbook by Lewinski (2012). This Describes the combination of online and offline influences on the purchase

Inbound marketing is powerful since advertising wastage is reduced. Search marketing, Content marketing, and social media marketing can be used to target prospects with a Defined need – they are proactive and self-Selecting. But this is a weakness, since marketers May have less control than in traditional communications where the message is pushed out to a defined audience and can help generate awareness and demand. Advocates of inbound Marketing such as Dharma’s Shah and Brian Halligan argue that content, social media, and Search marketing do have a role to play in generating demand.

Social media marketing

The growth in popularity of social media is a major trend in digital business. In particular social network sites (SNS) such as Facebook, Google+, and Twitter and for business‑to‑business users LinkedIn and RSS feed. Some niche social media sites are independent of social networks, including virtual worlds such as Habbo Hotel, and blogs created by many individuals and businesses. Social media marketing also includes rich media Such as online video and interactive applications featured on specialist social networks such as YouTube or embedded into websites. All businesses need to understand the business and revenue models of the Major social networks and platforms which are today so influential in shaping people’s opinions About brands. Figure 1.3 summarises the main types of social sites that companies need to consider. Since there are so many types of social presence, it is helpful to simplify the options to Manage them. For this, we recommend these six categories based on chapters in Weinberg.

(you can see there’s more to social media than social networks):

1 Social networking. The emphasis here is on listening to customers and sharing engaging Content. Facebook tends to be most important for consumer audiences and LinkedIn for Business audiences.

2 Social knowledge. These are informational social networks like Yahoo! Answers, where You can help an audience by solving their problems and subtly showing how your products Have helped others. Wikipedia is another site in this category, although it has relatively little application for marketing.

3 Social sharing. These are social bookmarking sites like Delicious ( can be useful for understanding the most engaging content within a category.

4 Social news. Twitter is the best-Known Example.

5 Social streaming. Rich and streaming media social sites for sharing photos, video, and Podcasting.

6 Company User-Generated Content and community. Distinct from the other types of social presence which are independent of companies, these are the company’s own social Space which may be integrated into product content (reviews and ratings), a customer support community, or a blog.

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