“Computer” is a word derived from “Compute” which means to calculate. “Computer” is defined as an electronic computing device, characterized by high speed and accuracy. It can handle data processing, storing, and retrieval following a set of instructions and orders to get the required results.
“Computer” is one of the electronic devices which can perform a set of integrated and consequent operations on a set of input data. The computer can process these operations according to a set of instructions and orders which are logically and algorithmically coordinated to solve a specific problem to get useful information and results. The instructions and orders are called “Statements”, which are consequently called a program. The person who designs this program is called a programmer.
The computer can be defined as an electronic device for processing data that takes data input from its user, stores, processes data, and generates the required output as per the processing instructions given to it by the user.
The set of instructions is called Program and can be written using artificial languages like C, C++, Java, etc. The programs run under the supervision of an Operating System. Example of popular operating systems is Windows, UNIX, LINUX, Solaris, etc.
It performs the following three operations in sequence.
Characteristics of a Computer
Areas of Applications / Uses of Computers in different fields
Computers have their application or utility everywhere. We find their applications in almost every sphere of life-particularly in fields where computations are required to be done at a very fast speed and where data is so complicated that the human brain finds it difficult to cope with it.
As you must be aware, computers nowadays are being used almost in every department to do work at a greater speed and accuracy. Some prominent areas of computer applications are:
Applications of Computers in Education
Computers are used in colleges to provide methods of teaching in different ways. Computer education is becoming mandatory in most universities across the world. They basically teach the subjects which enable the students to acquire a job in the software engineering Industry. Teachers use computers as teaching aids, which leaves some time for discussion at the end of the session. Nowadays, colleges are setting up such a system where student and faculty attendance, syllabus, schedule of tests, exams, etc are put on the web, and students, their parents' and faculties can access it from anywhere and get updated.
Applications of Computers in Industries
Mostly, the software or the hardware that is produced by companies would be used to automate the manual task. One kind of industry will have the task of producing such products and is called the software industry. Other companies which use these services are called clients. Computers Can be used to produce patterns in textile industries, colour combinations in paint industries, automate the operation of a machine in 'an industry using robotics, etc.
Applications of Computers in Business
Applications of Computers in Entertainment
Animations and Special Effects for the movies are done using high-end workstations. In the Titanic film, they used 100 high-end Linux workstations in parallel to produce the special effects. Also, movies and music are available in the form of CDs, VCDs, and DVDs which cost less compared to watching movies at theatres. People prefer to watch them through these media in their leisure time. Kids enjoy playing games using computers.
Applications of Computers in Home
Nowadays, people have computers at home, and it has become a necessity for electrical home appliances used in the home. Children play games; keep track of the stamp collections, draw pictures, play music, view movies, and do some sort of reading and writing according to their needs. A typical domestic system consists of a PC with a relatively small hard disk; printer, modem and DVD-Writer Drive, etc. people can utilize computers for keeping records, making home budgets, using electronic mail and internet services to learn and increase their knowledge. The uses of microprocessor technology in the manufacturing of electronic home appliances like microwaves, air-conditioning, washing machines, sewing machines, etc. have completely changed our way of life.
Applications of Computers in Weather Forecasting
Computer-based weather forecasting depends on the accurate collection of data from weather stations, airports, satellites, and different sensitive devices all around the world. The computer depends on building a model of hot, cold air, dry and humid air interaction, and how this is interactions are affected by land and sea temperature, season, and so on. Once this is done, the data is collected on atmospheric phenomena over a region. The computer model then generates a forecast of how the air will change. The necessary parameters can never be measured with total accuracy, and it is impossible to make a perfect representation of all the factors that impact weather. Some businesses, however, are so dependent on the weather that they need constantly updated information. SPAR CO's weather forecasting department offers an analysis of live weather data and provides help to make business decisions based on weather forecasting.
Applications of Computers in Airline Systems
In airline systems, computers are used to control passenger aircraft and vehicles. Early aircraft were controlled by moving parts attached to the controls using cables. In a modern, fly-by-wire system, electronic signals from the cockpit are sent to that adjusts the flight surfaces. The computer is embedded in the pilot's or driver's controls. It is linked up among different cities and gives full information about its flight and seat reservation.